Mountainside Lutheran Church and Crossnore Schools
Mountainside Lutheran Church is very active in supporting Crossnore Schools. Please see the video with Pastor Bryan and an update to the work with Crossnore School, Meredith Cottage, by Sonya Chestnutt below.
Pastor Bryan Chestnutt-“Happy Volunteer Half Hour Spotlight Interview.”
Crossnore Update from Sonya Chestnutt:
I want to Keep you updated on our involvement with Meredith – Mountainside’s adopted cottage. We haven’t been able to physically see the kids since they attended Vacation Bible School last June as part of Bryan’s Servant Week. At Christmas, we were able to purchase many things on their cottage wish list, thanks to your generous donations. We continue to assist them with all their birthday parties, even though we haven’t been able to attend. We provide the birthday cake, plates, napkins, snacks, juice boxes and their gifts of choice. We have “had” 3 parties in the last 3 months. A special thanks to Kaye (Kaye’s Kitchen) for making the last 2 (no egg) birthday cakes.
In April, the cottage parents reached out and asked if we could help with an outdoor project. They wanted some plants, some outdoor lighting, and a fire pit so they could hang out and roast marshmallows. We had an extra fire pit, purchased some plants and lights, and thanks to JoAnne Alllison and Christmas Tree Hill for donating more plants.
We recently received word that we will probably be allowed to resume volunteering in person sometime next month. We look forward to meeting and establishing relationships with the present cottage kids whose ages range from 2 to 17! At this time, there is only 1 child living in the cottage that we know from pre-Covid days. Lots of relationships to build. If you would be interested in becoming involved in this ministry, options include:
- Helping with birthday parties
- Attending outings with the cottage
- Helping with Vacation Bible School
- Tutoring
- Keeping the kids and cottage parents in prayer
We will continue to ask for donations as needed. In closing, working with and developing relationships with these kids is extremely important for them, and it also enriches our lives and is such a blessing!